Its a 2005 Mercury Quicksilver 4.3 meter HD inflatable with aluminium floors. Compared to my little Seago 2.6 meter inflatable.. this boat is huge :-D
The power plant is also huge compared to my Mariner 3.3hp 2 stroke. This boat is powered by a 25hp 2 stroke ..again made in 2005 but both boat and engine are in very good condition.
I had hoped to launch her today as temperatures are still soaring in the late 20C's but I checked the trailer wheel bearings before towing her far and found they were a bit pitted.
Rather than risk a wheel fall off, I decided to get new bearings today and replace the old ones. Everything is ready now for my maiden voyage tomorrow and Im heading to Loch Etive. I will post more on my new aquisition after the maiden voyage.. but here she is as I collected her last night.
Hopefully I will have many more inflatable boat journeys in this craft.. pushing my horizons even further out to sea.....
Looking forward to reading of your adventures again Donny. Looks a cracking boat.
Thank for dropping by dang1 ..hope you enjoy reading about the maiden voyage (for me) in this boat
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