Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Kyles of Bute and the Waverley

It really was a thrill for me, boating with the queen of steamboats. Hearing the distinctive noise of her side paddles beating the water and watching the crowds gathered on the decks enjoying the experience of “going doon the water” once again.

I thought of myself as a youngster exploring the passageways, rummaging in the gift shop, eating ice cream cones and spending time with relatives long gone. Yup.. it made my day ..and what a great day it was too, my best boating trip so far this year.


Douglas Wilcox said...

Hi Donald, our first steamer trip was on the Duchess of Hamilton (1932-1970) in summer of 1962 on one of her Friday sailings from Ayr round Holy Island. I got into trouble for burning my hands on one of her funnels!

Donny Wilcox said...

Hi Douglas, yup..I remember that trip although I must admit I couldn't say what year it was..

We seemed to get long hot summers then too ? But perhaps my mind only remembers the better days.

Summer holidays off school seemed to last forever too ?

Where did those days go ?