Rounding the north west corner of Tanera Beg, my little inflatable started to bob on the waves again.

I headed towards the south of the island in the relative shelter of the cliffs until I reached the rocky point in this photo. Unfortunately, as soon as I rounded the point the choppy swell really made my head spin so I spun the boat around and decided Cathedral cave could wait for another day.
Perhaps I could have made the cave without any problems but I preferred to respect my ability and I know my experience of the boat is still very much in a learning curve. Since my Gigha trip, I now carried a couple of distress flares but had no intentions of finding out if anyone would see them and rescue me if I swamped the little craft.
Yup..call me a coward if you must :-D

As soon as the boat started to surf with the waves behind me again, I started to relax and enjoy the experience. I love the feel of the boat being pickup up by a wave and carried forward at speed until the boat starts to loose momentum as it slides down the back of the wave, only to catch a ride on the next wave. I kept a sharp eye open for rocks just below the surface as it could be a major disaster to have the inflatable dropped onto one as it slips into the trough between waves.

Soon I was back in the calm waters in the shelter of the Summer Isles. Looking back at the towering cliffs on the west of Tarera Beg , I was glad I didn’t have to try a crash landing on the west of the island

I put out my trolling line again and almost immediately caught a large Pollack about the three pound mark. I would have gladly swapped it for a much smaller mackerel so I returned it to the sea to swim another day.
Looking over to the mainland, I was surprised to see an unrecognisable mountain? Until I realised it was actually two mountains. Stac Polly with Cul Mor directly behind it, I had not seen that sea perspective of my favourite mountain before.

I was now slowly cruising around the rocky reefs between Tanera Mor and Tanera Beg. Things were beginning to look a bit brighter as the sun started to break through the haze. The cormorants all stood to attention like a line little soldiers as I sailed on past.

Then, for some unknown reason I felt as if a hundred eyes were watching me.....

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