This was where I had to work harder than my two companions. They seemed to paddle effortlessly on the surface and without worry of grounding in the shallow water. I was constantly on the lookout for underwater snags that could sheer my propeller.

Sometimes I found my passage becoming too shallow to continue and had to back track to deeper water while my companions passed through with ease. Finally we entered open water again as we headed for the island of Gigalum.

Gigha is pretty much a flat island and you can see the wind farm from most points on the coast. The locals call the three turbines the “Dancing Ladies” and the electricity produced is a good source of income for the island.

Opposite Gigalum Island is Gigha’s south pier where you can book commercial sea trips to various places around the island or neighbouring islands.

We went down the channel between Gigalum Island and Gigha and found yet more skerries. I had been doing a spot of fishing but had to stop due to the shallow water.

Once in the skerries, I heard one of my companions shout something over the noise of the outboard. I couldn’t quite catch what he said but it sounded like “Im just going in here for a quick fish.” I wondered what he meant ?

Then I realised he went round the corner to see a couple of seals. I had mentioned earlier that I hadn’t seen any yet. On his return I thanked him for flushing them out into the open so I could get a photograph but Im not sure he heard me right as he drew me a quizical look.

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