My companion trusted my judgement to continue to the summit, but I told him we would try to stick to the rock faces rather than try to follow the narrow path which I suspected was hidden under the steep exposed snow slope. It was now time to get the crampons on and the ice axe out.

Scrambling on the rocks our route became steeper ...

And more exposed ...

Looking back down the ridge, the road looked a long way down ...

Then we were on the top plateau before we knew it ...

And stood on the summit ...

There were actually three positions that could have been the very top and the above photo is the most easterly position. It made the best photo although I suspect the first high point to the north was in fact the highest point.
On the way back we decided to try going down the snow slope where I suspected the path was, instead of clambering down the rocks. I lead the way but noticed my companion had fallen behind a bit. I waited a few moments then retraced my steps to see what the delay was. Rounding the corner I caught him looking rather worried ? The snow was slipping as he stood on it ... and there was not much of a run off before the slope disappeared over a vertical edge. I snapped his nervous smile in this photograph then said..hurry up..stop playing around...Im getting cold and its a long way down. He put on his best brave face and crossed to where I stood.

The rest of the descent was non eventful and we both agreed when we got back to the car that it was our best day on the hills this winter.
Beinn an Lochain is a good walk in the summer but becomes an excellent one in winter conditions. I hope to revisit it again..and again :-D